

If you need emergency transportation (an ambulance), call 911.


We cover non-emergency medical transportation for medically necessary services. For authorized non-emergency medical transportation, you must follow plan rules to get reimbursement or transportation services. 

To request non-emergency transportation, call: 1‑833‑301‑2264

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Thursday and Friday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Plan rules include:

  • You must use either the Family and Friends Mileage Reimbursement Program or public transportation. If these options are unavailable to you, network transportation services will be provided when plan rules are met. Use the Request for Reimbursement of Medical Transportation (PDF) to request reimbursement.

Exceptions to the Family and Friends Mileage Reimbursement Program

  • You must use the Family and Friends Mileage Reimbursement Program if you have a car, or when a friend or family member with a car can drive you to your medically necessary service. 
  • If you don’t have a car and do not want to enroll in the Family and Friends Program you must meet one (1) of the following criteria to qualify for transportation services. 
    • Do not have a valid driver’s license:
    • Do not have a working vehicle available in the household;
    • Are unable to travel or wait for services alone; or
    • Have a physical, cognitive, mental or developmental limitation
  • If no car is owned or available, you must use public transportation if you meet one (1) of the following criteria:
    • You live less than one half mile from a bus route;
    • Your provider is less than one half mile from the bus route; and 
    • You are an adult under the age of sixty-five (65)

Exceptions to the public transportation requirement are: 

    • If you have two (2) or more children under age six (6) who will travel with the you;
    • If you have one (1) or more children over age six (6) who has limited mobility and will accompany you to the appointment; or
    • If you have at least one (1) of the following conditions:
      • Pregnant or up to six (6) weeks post-partum;
      • Moderate to severe respiratory condition with or without an oxygen dependency;
      • Limited mobility (walker, cane, wheelchair, amputee, etc.);
      • Visually impaired;
      • Developmentally delayed;
      • Significant and incapacitating degree of mental illness; or
      • Other exception by provider approval only

Non-emergency medical transportation services are provided by Coordinated Transportation Services (CTS). They can be reached at 1-833‑301‑2264. To schedule a trip for a routine medical appointment call CTS Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays between 8 am to 8 pm and Thursdays and Fridays between 8 am to 5 pm.

Members are required to give two days' notice for routine trip reservations to covered services.

To arrange for transportation to a covered service please call CTS at 1-833‑301‑2264. You should also call this number for pick-up following an appointment or for any other non-emergency medical transportation question.

To schedule transportation to provider offices or facilities for services provided directly by NH DHHS, call CTS toll-free at 1‑844‑259‑4780, Monday through Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET and Thursday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET.

We cover non-emergency medical transportation services if you are unable to pay for the cost of transportation to provider offices and facilities for medically necessary New Hampshire Medicaid covered services. For authorized non- emergency medical transportation, you must follow plan rules for transportation coordination and reimbursement.